Monday, January 20, 2014

Book Spotlight and Giveaway: Soul Slam by Allie Burton

Soul Slam - Soul Force 

Book 1


Allie Burton



A sixteen-year-old on her first heist to steal an ancient Egyptian amulet inadvertently receives the soul of King Tut…and the deadly curse that comes with it.
And Olivia is not alone at the museum.
A member of a secret Society, Xander believes it is his place to inherit King Tut’s soul and justly rule. He knows nothing about the society’s evil plan to control the world or the curse. Now, he must deal with the female imposter who stole the amulet.

Xander convinces Olivia they must form a temporary partnership. The two teens develop a connection, and together they must figure out how to end the curse before it turns deadly. On the run, unable to touch because of the curse, and dealing with a male soul inside her female body, Olivia must learn to trust Xander.

As the mystery surrounding the amulet unfolds, Olivia and Xander start to fall for each other. But is love enough to save them and the world from destruction?



(From end of Chapter Two)

“Olivia.” I liked how he said my name. With a sophisticated accent, not a trashy lilt like the boys in the family. “Shouldn’t you look outside first?”

I firmed my lips and kept my pace heading straight for the door. “I trust my people.” I tossed my braid around and shot him a look. The dig was deliberate.

“So did I.” His response cut my bravado in two.

My family wouldn’t ditch me. Like the Marines, we didn’t leave a man behind as long as I brought Fitch what he wanted.

I pushed against the metal bar to open the door. Damp air hit my face. So did the stench of recently-smoked cigarettes. A black SUV was parked in front of the doorway with its lights off. The shiny car looked expensive and new.

Fitch didn’t own a vehicle like that.

Something hard and pointy shoved into my back. Clicked. Like an animal about to become lunch, I tensed.

“Don’t move,” a gruff voice said from behind.

Not Fitch’s voice. Or the old creepy guy Jeb. My brain analyzed the situation while my instincts wanted to scream.  “Are you a security guard? Because some old guy is in there trying to steal—”

“Shut up. I got a rifle kissing your heart.” How long had the guy been rehearsing that corny line?

“Wh-what do you want?” My tongue tripped over the words.


First, the security guard. Then, Jeb and Xander. Now, this guy.

It sucks to be so popular.



  1. Where do you get your best ideas? I find ideas everywhere. For SOUL SLAM, it was seeing an advertisement for the King Tut exhibit on TV and in the paper on the same day. Someone was sending me a message.
  2. What do you do to relax? Read, run, ski, go out with friends.
  3. Do you write about what turns you on? I write adventurous young adult romance. I love the feeling of being in love and I love having adventures of my own.
  4. If we were to come to your house for a meal, what would you give us to eat? I’m not a very good cook so if I had guests for dinner my husband would cook. He’s got a natural ability to throw stuff together and make it delicious.

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Allie Burton

Allie didn’t realize having so many jobs would become great research material for the stories she writes. She has been everything from a fitting room attendant to a bike police officer to a professional mascot escort. She has lived on three continents and in four states and has studied art, fashion design, marine biology, and advertising.

When her kids asked, “when are you going to write a story we can read?” she switched from adult novels to Young Adult and Middle Grade and hasn’t looked back.

Allie is a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers & Illustrators, Romance Writers of America including the Young Adult, Dallas Area Romance Writers and Heart of the Rockies chapters. She is also a member of Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers. Currently, she lives in Colorado with her husband and two children.


Prizes for the tour are as follows:

• One randomly chosen commenter will win a $50 Amazon/ gift card.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thanks for hosting me today. I'm excited about Soul Slam because it combines romance, adventure, and mystery. I hope my readers enjoy it too! Allie

  2. Love the inspiration story!


  3. Elena, Rita, and Anonymous,Thanks for stopping by. Allie

  4. Such an interesting interview. Also, really liked the excerpt for this book

  5. Shamara, Glad you enjoyed the interview and excerpt! Allie

  6. Enjoyed the interview. Just proves inspiration can come from many sources.

    kareninnc at gmail dot com
