Monday, November 3, 2014

Book Blast and Giveaway: KING OF ME by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Mimi Jean will be awarding two signed complete sets of The King Trilogy plus a paperback copy of Accidentally Over, the finale of the Accidentally Yours series to randomly drawn winners via Rafflcopter. Click on the tour banner for more chances to win.

You’re asking me to…love you?” asked Mia.
He slowly scratched his thick black stubble. “I suppose I am.”

What if you were asked to love the one man on earth you couldn’t trust, you feared, who betrayed you at every turn? Could you do it to save the people you hold dear?

Mia Turner is ready to give it all—her body, her heart, her soul—to the mysterious, ruthless billionaire who holds all the cards to saving her family. But when this dangerous, sinfully sexy man, simply known as King, demands something more, something horrifying, Mia will be forced to face the impossible truth about their lives.

Sometimes the truth brings salvation. And sometimes the truth breaks you.

Check out the author's website for excerpts from the book.

About the Author:
Mimi Jean Pamfiloff is a New York Times & USA Today bestselling author of Paranormal and Contemporary Romance. Her books have hit the Amazon and B&N top-100 lists multiple times and have been #1 genre sellers around the world. Both traditionally and independently published, Mimi has sold over 500,000 copies since publishing her 1st title in 2012, and she plans to spontaneously combust once she hits the one-million mark. Although she obtained her international MBA and worked for over 15 years in the corporate world, she believes that it’s never too late to come out of the romance-closet and follow your dream.

When not screaming at her computer or hosting her very inappropriate radio show, (Man Candy on!), Mimi spends time with her two pirates in training, her loco-for-the-chili-pepper Mexican hubby, and her rat terrier, DJ Princess Snowflake, in the San Francisco Bay Area.

She continues to hope that her books will inspire a leather pants comeback (for men) and that she might make you laugh when you need it most.

Buy the book at Amazon, iTunes, Barnes and Noble, or Kobo.


Mimi Jean will be awarding two signed complete sets of The King Trilogy plus a paperback copy of Accidentally Over, the finale of the Accidentally Yours series to randomly drawn winners via Rafflecopter.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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