Saturday, May 3, 2014

Book Blitz: The Gatherer's Gift by Andie Adams

BB Book Tours

The Gatherer's Gift

by Andie Adams

Homicide Detective Anne Frost is working a case that wasn’t assigned to her. She’s tracking down her sister’s killers in hopes of finding her missing nephews. 

Her investigation uncovers the existence of beings that literally have time on their side. She’s having trouble walking away from everything she knows to follow one of these so-called Linears. A man known as The Gatherer holds the key to her understanding. Will his gift be revealed in time? 

Dorian Conrad’s mission is simple enough: retrieve the missing sons of his last target and return them safely to the Gatherer. He’s a Finder and he knows his business. It turns complicated when he’s charged with dragging along a female wrinkler who believes she’s as gifted as Sherlock Holmes. Set in his ways by a half century of missions conducted on his own, his new task is unexpected, and unwelcomed. The mission is the easy part. Dorian has woman trouble and he knows it. 

With a bull’s-eye on their backs they endeavor to locate the kidnapper and retrieve the boys. Out of her element, Anne puts her life in Dorian’s hands…even after a revelation shows her he may be the person she should fear most. 

They have no idea that the kidnapper has baited the trap and lays waiting.

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 Author Bio:

I grew up in a back woods logging town in the White Mountains of Arizona. The closest shopping and theater were about forty miles away. When you’re a kid living in the sticks, you let your imagination kick into overdrive so that you can entertain yourself. At least I did, because in my house a kid who complained of boredom was a kid who got handed more chores, and really, who wants more chores? So I spent a lot of my childhood avoiding more chores by playing with friends, both real and imaginary. Our minds would create whole worlds to gallop off to in the morning, and by the time we returned for supper my friends and I had imagined being around the entire world, or even out of it.
Winters could be isolated on the mountain. Read more...

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