Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Book Spotlight: From My Heart to Yours by Michelle Zarrin

Join Michelle Zarrin, author of the literary fiction novel, From My Heart to Yours, as she tours the blogosphere August 5 through October 25, 2013 on her first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book!

From My Heart to Yours


With an emotionally secure and sheltered upbringing, Sofia, was in for an unexpected ride when she married Earl. Their stable and unnerving union would take deeper turns as they experienced(?) health issues, betrayal and shattered hearts. With each new circumstance Sofia faced, she shed a layer of naiveté, deepening her perspective of life. Beautiful life lessons learned from preschool children healed her wounds and dissipated her scars. They taught her about the human condition at it’s purest. But then the biggest tragedy happened in Sofia’s life, leading her to seek deeper answers. At the end of the book (her story?), she learns that the art of life is how we deal with it’s struggles. Through a powerful and inspiring journey into the soul, she regains the light and love within.

Purchase at:

barnes and nobleamazon  


Michelle Zarrin


Michelle Zarrin is an author, blogger and entrepreneur, running two businesses. Having meditated over 2000 hours in the past four years, her expertise is the internal world through the tool of the breath. Inspiration, creativity, tranquility, intuition and compassion all reside within our internal world. Her blogs consist of her writings on life and spirituality. She lives in Orange County, California. You can visit her at www.MichelleZarrin.com


From My Heart to Yours Virtual Book Publicity Tour Schedule

Monday, August 5 - Book featured at Literary Winner
Tuesday, August 6 - Book featured at Margay Leah Justice
Wednesday, August 7 - Interviewed at Blogher
Thursday, August 8 - Guest blogging at The Self Taught Cook
Friday, August 9 - Guest blogging at Straight From the Authors Mouth
Tuesday, August 13 - 1st chapter reveal at Cheryl's Book Nook
Wednesday, August 14 - Guest blogging at Redroom
Friday, August 16 - Interviewed at Review From Here
Tuesday, August 20 - Book featured at Plug Your Book
Wednesday, August 21 - Interviewed at I'm Shelf-ish
Friday, August 23 - Guest blogging at The Writer's Life
Wednesday, August 28 - Interviewed at Book Marketing Buzz
Thursday, August 29 - Guest blogging at Allvoices
Friday, August 30 - 1st chapter reveal at Examiner
Pump Up Your Book

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