Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Book Blitz: Creatura by Nely Cab

1. Tell us 5 words to describe Creatura.
Love Story, Thrilling, Surprising, Different, Intoxicating

2. Which was the main reason you started writing it?
I started writing out of boredom and took it up as hobby. I had enjoyed writing when I was younger and decided that this was something that only required my imagination and my computer.

3.How do you see your future as a writer?
I try to stay positive about new doors being opened for me as a writer even though there is a lot of competition in the literary world. But for now, I will to continue writing for you and the rest of the YA reader out there and hope for the best in my future.
4. Do you find yourself reflected in any of the characters? In which one and in what way?
I find myself relating mostly to Nyx and Claire because they are both mothers and like to cook. They take care of their families and are ready to defend their children like a lioness.
5.  Tell us one favourite book you've read or you want to read (except yours , of course, hihi!)
I really want to read a lot of books, but one that has caught my eye recently is “Obsidian” by Jennifer L. Armentrout.
6. My interview ends here so I invite you to say something for my readers and your fans (or future fans).
I’d like you all to know that your support and your interest in “Creatura” overwhelm me. I never expected such a warm reception when I first published my book, especially not from people outside the U.S. I thought for a long time that no one would take interest in my novel. But now, to know that it will soon be in a country as beautiful as Romania and read by its people that are equally or more beautiful, gives me inspiration to write. Thank you for being a part of my world and a huge part of motivation.

1.Can you tell our readers a few details about you? Where you were born? Do you have any brothers? Where have you spent your childhood?
I was born in Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico on December 9, 1974 (yes, I am old. LOL!) I have one brother who is six years younger than me and one sister who is 16 years younger than me. Although I was born in Mexico, I have lived in Texas since I was an infant.
2.What was your favorite game as a child?
I used to like to play “make-believe” or pretend with my cousin. He would pretend he was my pet monkey or dog and I would treat him like an animal. LOL! It sounds very mean now, but it was a fun game. I was only four-years-old, then.
3.How did you spend your time, as a child, and later, as a teenager? Did you love hanging out with friends, going on a concert or staying at home, writing and reading?
When I was a kid, I loved hanging out with my best friend and my cousins. We would play with our dolls or play outside. During my child hood I loved to read, but it would put me to sleep.
Later, in my teen years, I liked going to the movies and to the mall with friends and talking on the phone or watching television. I wasn’t much of a party animal. My parents were very strict, so I wasn’t allowed to be out too late. I would sometimes go to football games on Friday nights with my cousin and some friends. I didn’t write much when I was a teenager. I would imagine a lot stories and knew someday, when I had the time and was older, I would write them.  Since I had so much reading to do for school, I never really read books for pleasure. Shame on me.
4.Who was/is your life model?
I don’t think I have one because I admire different things from different people.
5.Do you love animals? If yes, do you have any pets?
I like animals, but I cannot have any in my home because we are all allergic to them.
6.What place in this world would you love to visit most? You travel a lot?
I would love to visit the entire world. I cannot commit to telling you that I would prefer one place over the next because there are so many beautiful things to see everywhere. I don’t travel very much – maybe, once a year.
7. What’s your favorite place for writing/reading?
My office.


“The David Story”

I believe the dreams started when I was ten years old. In my dreams, a little boy, about my same age would play with me. Yes, it sounds creepy now, but it was no more than dreams.

Time passed, and as I grew older, the boy in my dreams grew older with me. I never told anyone about the boy in my dreams, till now. I would have these dreams several times a month when I was young, but suddenly they stopped. When I was in my teens the dreams returned, but then would ceased for two, maybe four years, when they would again return. The boy matured, along with me. This became a pattern for much of my life, he popping up every few years, waiting to strike up conversations of which I couldn’t recall the context, but could remember having.

The boy’s physical appearance varied. His voice and his personality were how I identified him. He was always very proper and spoke softly. His stare was unmistakable.

When I was in my twenties, the dreams stopped. I wondered in what part of my subconscious the boy was hiding.  Then, in my thirties, he reappeared in one dream, revealing his true physical appearance to me. The boy in my dreams had transformed into a man, as I too had matured into a woman. To this day, I have never seen a more beautiful face, than his. In that dream, during the split second when consciousness and unconsciousness are combined, and where time seems to slow, I heard his voice. He said the one word that I had been waiting to hear for twenty-two years. It was his name, “David.”

I thought about how incredible it was that David had been with me through my whole life. My curiosity about him grew. As deranged as it may sound, I wondered if he was a real person living in another time, place or plane of existence.

My imagination began to wander into a world where David was alive. In my mind, I created a land where dreams were made. “This is where he lives,” I told myself, “and this is where he exists.”  In that instant, Creatura was born.

As an added note, the way David’s physical appearance is described in Creatura, is the way I saw him in the dream where he manifested his true form.

Thank you for stopping by Starry Night Book Reviews, and thank you to Stephanie,
the administrator of this blog, for the opportunity to share my story.

Happy Reading and Sweet Dreams,

-Nely Cab 


Eros sighed and closed his eyes. “I cannot help you. I’m sorry.”
“Yes, you can, Eros. You must. You have no idea what it’s like to need someone like you need the flow of your own blood.”
“David, you will never be able to procreate from this relationship. It’s against the law. My answer is firm. I can’t help you.”
Eros pressed his temples as if attempting to release the pressure of my petition.
“Eros… I’ve done something to prove my love for her. But I see that your support is too much to ask, brother. I shouldn’t have come.”
“Wait. Hear my thoughts on the matter. To be in love with a human…that’s impossible. You know the prohibitions of such acts. The law is impenetrable.” He walked to the bar again to serve himself another glass of wine. “You mentioned you had done something to prove your love. What exactly have you done, Romeo?”
“Do you really have to ask?” I sighed.
“I need an answer if you want my help.”
“I gifted her something of mine.”
“O Mon Dieu…”
“The Star Crestmy lifeit belongs to her now.”
“Merde.” Eros dropped his drink for a second time. “Dahveed, you have done the unthinkable.”
I stared at the shards of glass on the hardwood floor and nodded. “It’s done.”
“You’ve gone insane. It’s suicide!”


“Why can’t you believe that I am real?” he asked.
“Because you’re not. Look at you with your golden skin andwings, wearing a skirt. How can I believe you’re real?” “I can prove it.”
“Oh, yeah? I dare you.”

“Do you, now?” David raised his brow.

“Double dare. And you should wear a skirt that looks more like pants for the occasion.”

“Your clever quips are very delightful, my lovely. Are you positively sure about this?”

“I’ve been waiting for this for three months.” I crossed my arms over my chest. “Bring it on.”

“Very well. But I have to warn you, I’m quite the competitor.”
“Then there should be a prize for the winner to make it more interesting.”
“You’re proposing a wager?”
I nodded.
“If I win, you’ll leave my dreams forever,” I said. He gazed at me for a moment. Maybe it was just my imagination, but I thought I saw a trace of a grin on his face.
“If I should win, you will believe me when I say I’m not a dream,” David said.

“If you say so,” I snickered. “I guess this is goodbye since I’ll be winning.”
“And...” he said
“There’s more?”

“And...you will never again come here.”

“Okay,” I said. “Fair enough.”

“And...” he said again.

“That’s too many ‘ands’.”

And...” he continued, “I bid you not farewell, but good morrow.”

David tipped his head as he disappeared, leaving behind a cloud of golden dust.

“It’s not working,” David said. “Why isn’t it working?”
“You don’t have much time. If the corrosion reaches her chest, she’s going to die,” Nyx said.
“I’m going to die?” I mumbled.
I always thought I would be afraid of dying. I carried that fear with me since I was twelve, after looking inside that coffin at my dad’s stiff, breathless body. But now that it was my turn, I was ready. This was the destiny that was written for me.
“I can’t do it, Mother. I have nothing to forgive her for,” David said.
If I was going to die, I needed to tell David something I hadn’t had the courage to tell him before.
I glanced at my arm. The decomposition was at my elbow and the tingling had crept up near my shoulder. I didn’t have time to waste.
“David,” I said, and he looked at me. “I’m sorry I hurt you. I needed you to know...to hear it.”
I could feel the tingling a few inches past my shoulder. Nyx pulled my shirt at the neckline exposing my collarbone and part of my shoulder.
“I love you,” I said. “I always have.”
“I’m so sorry I did this to you,” David whispered stroking my forehead.
I could no longer feel my arm, my shoulder and part of my chest. And then I felt it—a searing pain in the middle of my chest. I writhed in anguish, screaming at the top of my lungs. My whole body jerked, and then there was darkness. Everything was silent, including my heart.
A soft light surrounded me, cradling me in a tranquility I had never known existed. I struggled for a last breath, but it was too late. The end was here.

Creatura by Nely Cab
Publication date: August 6th, 2013
Genre: YA Paranormal


Isis can control her dreams. Or she could-until recently. The creature in her nightmares has been haunting her for months. As if being dumped wasn’t bad enough, now she dreads going to sleep. She decides to confront the creature and win back some of her peace; only, she finds that he’s not a monster and he’s not a dream.

A sacrifice for love, a shocking discovery and a jealous ex-boyfriend blur the lines between reality and dreams, making it hard to tell who the real monsters are.

Who would’ve known…that sometimes love is lethal?



Nely Cab was born on December 9, 1974, in Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico. She has lived and resided in a small, quiet South Texas town most of her life. Putting her Computer Accounting skills to use, Nely worked in banking for several years. In 2001, the author relocated to Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico, where she dedicated time to the study of culinary arts and the art of oil painting. After her return to the U.S., Nely resumed her employment in banking and later transitioned to the field of Social Work.

Today, Nely Cab writes from the comfort of her home, where she lives with her husband and son. Her life goal is to check-off Bucket List Item No. 95,623,351: To conquer the world. While she aspires world domination, Nely continues to work on her debut series Creatura.


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